Tomorrow we are off on the next leg of our tour of these great 50 states. When we are done, we will have been to 40.
We are flying into Omaha, Nebraska tomorrow night. My Ex-Brother in Law and nephew Colton will pick us up and will be with us on our journey. I was going to book a room on Friday night, but hesitated. Unfortunately, the $70 room on Friday night became a very difficult to get $135 room by Saturday. **Note to self** Don't forget that Monday nights in Omaha, Nebraska are very popular for hotel stays in June. **SIGH**
We will visit Winter Quarters for a short while, because the last time I was there I didn't see as much of it as I wanted to. Then we will be driving to Fargo, North Dakota. Why? Well, we haven't been to North Dakota yet, and Fargo's as good a place as any place in ND. With campgrounds like the "Great Grassy Plains" campgrounds, I just couldn't get too excited about camping. So maybe we'll see Toy Story III while in Fargo and we'll always remember we saw it in North Dakota.
From there we will be off on the REAL adventure...into Wisconsin and Michigan, camping around the Great Lakes. Not sure quite where, but we'll figure it out as we go. We'll go up and around Lake Michigan (the middle one) and down through Chicago. Maybe we'll stop and get a hotdog...see a museum and say we've done it.
Hopefully we'll have time to see Nauvoo again and spend a day or two in Moulton, IA...where Gary (bro-in-law) lives.
I am excited for the trip, however my TO-DO list is long, and my time is running short. I guess I'll go to bed and get started early tomorrow.
....Is that what you do???